Radio Free

We have partnered with Radio Free to support initiatives that help further their mission of creating community newsrooms and free technology for journalists.

Increasing access to independent journalism is something we see as a crucial goal for our mission. When people have access to reliable information, they can make informed decisions in every aspect of their lives. We hope that by improving access to these resources, we can help better inform the world and together we can build a more sustainable future.

Radio Free provides free resources for community newsrooms and independent journalists, along with a different perspective of the world. By not selling ads or taking money from corporations, it ensures content is in the interest of people, not profits. Llacuna does not oversee any of the editorial process or organizational management, focusing instead on being able to provide funding to support the furthering of our mission through Radio Free projects.

Since 2011, Radio Free published more than 200,000 articles to an audience of 13.7 million viewers, listeners, and readers around the world. Going forward the focus is centered on creating a new platform for future leaders, creators and journalists to be able to utilize to work globally and act locally through a network of independent newsrooms.

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Please note: Radio Free is able to be funded through a partnership with Llacuna Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charity organization. Llacuna has no influence on Radio Free, it’s programing, organizational structure, or publishing, to ensure that the news remains independent.